Blowing our own trumpet for once
Winner Best Financial Advisers to Work for
We are delighted to announce that we won “Best Financial Advisers to Work For” at this year’s Professional Advisers Awards. We could not be more proud and pleased as this is based on independent research carried out across the industry.
About the award, Adrian Ware said, “This is the one to win. This is the one that matters!”
We’ve always believed that a happy team means happy clients and since the inception of Cavendish Ware and as we have grown have tried to maintain that culture. Now the benchmark has been set, it’s for all of us to keep it going!
A few things that our staff have said about us:
“Working at CW is not a chore, but rather a pleasant place to work and be amongst not only the management but also colleagues. Although it is a team-driven environment, the overall atmosphere is that of a family unit”.
“Working at Cavendish Ware is a truly engaging and informative opportunity, which heavily emphasises on positive working environments, high-quality support and flexibility around remote ‘agile’ working. There is a strong ethos of working hard and active socialisation, which results in a cohesive unit that has the ability to produce excellent results and maintain strong morale”.
I like working at Cavendish Ware for many reasons, some of which are…
> Management is flexible and relaxed; we are treated as adults and aren’t micromanaged. Career progression is encouraged and supported.
> I enjoy working with my colleagues and socialising in the office and outside of work. There aren’t any office cliques, and there is always a pleasant atmosphere in the office.
> Working from home is an option, and we have the flexibility to come into the office when we want.

Q4 2024 Investment Update
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Some thoughts on recent market turmoil
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Bassline Episode 16
In our first investment focused podcast of 2024, Lance explores with our host Dave some of the key factors impacting…

Why women are still missing out
A few articles came out last month about the size of the gender pension gap including one from the Pension…